How We Worship      

  • The most powerful thing the church does is worship. Every single week, on the Lord's Day, God himself graciously gathers his people together renewing his covenant with them and serving them. Yes, we are gathered to be served by God! When God serves his people in this way, he leads them, through the voice of his Word:

    • God Calls us into his presence and we respond with praise and with confession of our sin.
    • God Cleanses us of our sins, and we respond with thanksgiving.
    • God Consecrates us by the instruction of his Word, and we respond by giving ourselves to him.
    • God Communes with us when he invites us to his table to enjoy a fellowship meal, the Eucharist, with him.
    • God Commissions us after we have been renewed, refreshed, and strengthened we receive a blessing to enjoy his rest for the remainder of the Lord's Day. We are to confidently enter into our various vocations during the rest of the week as holy callings from God, serving the world in his name.

    To view our order or worship, see our bulletin archives.